
Matanot La'Evyonim

  • Matanot LaEvyonim Gifts to the poor

  • One of the special observances of Purim is to give "Matanot la'Evyonim," Gifts to the poor, to at least two needy people during the daylight hours of Purim. (This year, on March 24th, 2024).You can be sure to fulfill this Mitzvah by donating via this form and we will make sure to distribute the money on your behalf on Purim day, directly to two needy individuals. 
    Please fill out the information below to have we will represent you in your acts of charity. You can send checks to NWS Chabad, 16296 West Aptakisic Road, Prairie View, IL 60069 and designate "Matanot L'Evyonim" on the check.

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